You can find thousands of articles in magazines and journals in the library's databases. What is a database? A collection of the online versions of newspaper, magazine, and journal articles that can be searched and accessed online.
For this assignment I recommend:
Academic Search Complete: a multi-disciplinary database includes peer-reviewed articles.
CQ Researcher: Each 12,000-word report on a current issue is written by an experienced journalist and features comments from experts, lawmakers, and citizens on all sides of every issue.
Newspaper Source Plus: Full-text articles from more than 1200 newspapers.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context: Covers todays hottest issues. Informed, differing views help you develop critical thinking skills and draw your own conclusions.
If you are off campus, you will see a login page at this point prompting you to enter your student ID. Once you are in the database, you can search for articles and then download or email them to yourself.