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ENG1B/1BH - Quezada: Writing Task / Assignment

ENG 1B Writing Task / Assignment

Option 1: Focus on Image 

The novel, There There, opens with a description of the Indian Head Test Pattern- an image used to test a wide range of aspects of broadcast display in early television. The image itself was widely used, normalized, and internalized by Americans with televisions. 

The prologue highlights this image and other such images as a way of revealing one of the methods by which Native people have been dehumanized over time since they experienced genocide with the early development of the Americas. Through generations, Native people have found ways of surviving and holding on to their humanity despite this history, but the impact of this legacy of dehumanization has impacted every generation since the first interactions with colonization.

For your essay, explore what the novel reveals about image, focusing on one or more of the following dimensions:

  • Self-Image: Analyze how characters in the novel construct and grapple with their own identities and self-perceptions. Consider how their personal histories, cultural backgrounds, and experiences influence their self-image.

  • Imposed Images: Investigate the ways in which external forces, such as societal expectations, stereotypes, and prejudices, shape the characters' identities and perceptions of themselves. Examine instances where characters confront or resist imposed images.

  • Mental Images: Explore the role of imagination and memory in shaping characters' perceptions of themselves and the world around them. How do internal thoughts and reflections influence their actions and relationships?

  •  Public or Social Images: Examine how characters present themselves to the outside world and navigate public perceptions. Analyze instances of performance, presentation, and the construction of public personas.

  • Imagination: Investigate the significance of imagination in the novel, considering both its liberating and constraining aspects. How do characters use imagination to navigate challenges or envision alternative realities?

In your essay, be sure to ground your analysis in specific examples from the text, including characters, scenes, dialogue, and fictional/literary elements &  techniques employed by Orange. 

You are required to integrate at least ONE external source from your research and/or the optional texts list above. 

Thesis:  Your thesis will make a statement about what the novel communicates about image (whichever concept(s) you choose to engage from the above list).

Tip: Consider the connections between the concept of image and the other concepts outlined in the KEY TERMS FOR ANALYSIS list attached to this essay prompt. 

Option 2: Focus on Intergenerational Connections or Disconnection 

The novel presents us with characters of different generations, all of whom are somehow connected to each other either by circumstance or community. In this way, the novel explores the various ways that generations connect from each other and/or how they may experience a disconnection from one generation to the next. 

Interpret what the novel communicates about intergenerational connections or disconnection. Your essay should analyze the use of fictional and literary elements or structural features of the novel to interpret how the characters and their narratives are motivated, shaped, impacted, and/or informed by intergenerational interactions, connections, lack of connection, or shared/unshared knowledge. 

For your essay, explore what the novel reveals about intergenerational connection or disconnection, focusing on one or more of the following dimensions

  • Intergenerational Connection: Analyze instances in the novel where characters are bound together across generations by shared experiences, memories, knowledge, or cultural heritage. Explore how these connections shape characters' identities, beliefs, and worldviews. Explore how characters' interactions or connections with community, family members, ancestors, or descendants influence their desires, actions, decisions, and/or sense of self.

  • Intergenerational Disconnection: Investigate moments of estrangement or conflict between characters from different generations. Examine the barriers—whether cultural, historical, or personal—that hinder understanding and connection between characters. Consider how these disconnections shape characters' identities, beliefs, and worldviews. Explore how characters' lack of interactions or connections with community family members, ancestors, or descendants influence their desires, actions, decisions, and/or sense of self.

 You are required to also integrate at least ONE external source from your research and/or the optional texts list above. 

Thesis: Your thesis will make a statement about what the novel communicates about intergenerational connections or disconnections (whichever concept(s) you choose to engage from the above list).
Tip: Consider the connections between the concept of image and the other concepts outlined in the KEY TERMS FOR ANALYSIS list attached to this essay prompt.

Eng 1B Honors Writing Task / Assignment

Option 1: Interpret what the novel communicates about a particular idea related to image. Your essay should analyze the use of fictional and literary elements or structural features of the novel to interpret how the characters and their narratives are motivated, shaped, impacted, and/or informed by some idea related to image. Consider the following ideas of “image” that you can apply to your analysis–  select one or two specific concepts/definitions below to guide your interpretation:

  • Imposed images: such as stereotypes, reductive images, historical propaganda

  • Self-image: the idea one has of one's abilities, appearance, and personality.

  • Mental images: the idea that we have of others or of something else in our mind/memory- that may or may not align with reality

  • Public or social image: the general impression of a person or organization; what most people think of a person or organization, which may differ from what they are like in private. 

  • Verbal images: a mental image that comes to mind as a representation of a particular word, phrase, or label as heard, as seen, or as felt when expressed (verbally or in print) 

  • Imagination: the mental or physical power that produces ideas and images in the absence of direct sensory data, often by combining fragments of previous sensory experiences.  

Thesis:  Your thesis will make a statement about what the novel communicates about image (which ever concept(s) you choose to engage from the above list).

The essay should also integrate at least 2 external sources that you research in relation to this particular focus (and other relevant concepts from the novel- see list of concepts below). Both of these sources will be part of your required annotated bibliography. 

Tip: Consider the connections between the concept of image and the other concepts outlined in the KEY TERMS FOR ANALYSIS list attached to this essay prompt. 

Option 2: Interpret what the novel communicates about intergenerational connections and/or disconnection. Your essay should analyze the use of fictional and literary elements or structural features of the novel to interpret how the characters and their narratives are motivated, shaped, impacted, and/or informed by intergenerational interactions, connections, lack of connection, or shared/unshared knowledge. Consider using the following basic definitions to focus your analysis: 

  • Intergenerational:  if something is intergenerational, it exists or occurs between generations 

  • Intergenerational connection: something (an act, shared idea, shared memory, shared experiences, shared knowledge, etc) that can bring people together across generations. 

  • Intergenerational disconnection: something (an act, shared idea, shared memory, shared experiences, shared knowledge, etc) that prevents people from across generations from coming together. 

 Thesis: Your thesis will make a statement about what the novel communicates about intergenerational connections and/or disconnections (whichever concept(s) you choose to engage from the above list).

The essay should also integrate at least 2 external sources that you research in relation to this particular focus (and other relevant concepts from the novel- see list of concepts below). Both of these sources will be part of your required annotated bibliography. 

Tip: Consider the connections between the concept of intergenerational connections or disconnections and the other concepts outlined in the KEY TERMS FOR ANALYSIS list attached to this essay prompt. 

** Be sure to use the writing process to generate and organize ideas for this essay- focusing especially on critical reading, revision, and  making significant changes from the first draft to the final draft of the essay assignment.