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ENGL 1S, Fernandez: Education Overseas

A library guide intended for Hilda Fernandez' English 1S/T course. Lists books, articles, and websites on the history of education and what it means to be an educated person.


Visit the library to get background information about the educational systems in other countries. The Europa World Year Book has brief, but current information, while The International Encyclopedia of Education gives more detail, but was published in 1994, so it's more useful for a historical overview of education in another country.

If you have any questions, ask the librarian at the Information Desk!


How to Find Articles

For a topic that might be too specific for the library to have a whole book about it (like education in a particular foreign country) we recommend searching for articles in library online databases. An online database is a collection of the online versions of newspaper, magazine, and journal articles that can be searched and accessed online. One of our best databases for education is Professional Development Collection.


TIP 1: Identify search terms

Think about the main concepts or keywords in your topic. For example, if you're interested in education in Japan, your keywords would be education and Japan. It's important to insert the word and between your search terms and to be specific. If you want to focus on preschool or higher education, your search terms should reflect that.

higher education and japan

preschool and sweden


TIP 2: Refine your search

After you enter your search terms and click on Search, your results list will appear with options for refining your search to the left.


Professional Development Collection
Limit Your Results

Off-Campus Access

For off-campus access to the online databases and eBooks, you'll need your student ID number and portal password. Make sure you are accessing the databases directly from the library website.