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Gerontology: Books

May be useful for research on issues, policy, medical or business topics relating to older adults.

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E-Books from EBSCO

How to Find Books

Search the Library Catalog to find books, E-Books, and periodicals. You can search by keyword ("everything"), author, title, or subject heading. The results list will give you basic information about each item, including availability. To find out more, click on Details.

Three tabs provide different kinds of information. A Look Inside might show a summary, the table of contents, and/or reviews of the book. The Catalog Record provides all the details you will need for a citation plus the book's subject headings, which are clickable links and may give you ideas for other searches to try. Some keywords that might be useful for you to search:

  • Geriatric
  • Gerontology
  • Longevity
  • Aging 
  • Older people
  • Older people - housing
  • Older people - home care 
  • Older people - services for
  • Social work with older people

Books that are available to be checked out are located in the stacks (the bookshelves in the Quiet Study Area). A librarian can point you in the right direction.


Besides the E-Books in the general catalog described above, there is a separate selection of E-books from EBSCO which can be found using the E-Books tab on the main library page.

In addition to the search keywords above, here are some additional  search keywords which might be helpful in looking for material in these E-Books:

  • Aging -- social aspects
  • Alzheimer's disease 
  • (health or medical) and older people
  • Older people--Medical care
  • Older people - housing
  • Psychology -- Aged


Our Credo Reference database contains some E-books which might be helpful to students researching Gerontology. Here are their titles and links to the E-books.

The Cambridge Handbook of Age and Ageing

Encyclopedia of Aging

Encyclopedia of Elder Care

Handbook of Aging and the Social Sciences
