This resource guide was developed to provide information to support the College in meeting its service learning goals and activities. Service learning is a stated goal/strategy in the Foothill College Educational Master Plan and the Foothill College Student Equity Plan:
Foothill College Educational Master Plan
Strengthen a sense of community and commitment to the College’s mission; expand participation from all constituencies in shared governance.
Goal B: Strategies
B1: Encourage student participation in leadership and activities outside the classroom (including service/work-‐based
learning) that engages students with the College and the community.
Foothill College Student Equity Plan
B.5 – Provide Equity Research on Student Needs and New Programs
Research the Development of a Service Learning Program
"As one of the EMP objectives also focuses on collaboration with other institutions in ways that serve students and society by exploring student participation in leadership and activities outside the classroom (including service/work-based learning) that engages students with the College and the community, additional pay will be provided to a faculty member to help plan and design opportunities for service learning at Foothill College. This effort will also examine previous programs at Foothill College to learn from their implementations."
The guide includes links to library resources (books, journals, articles), websites, and links to service learning programs at other community colleges across the country. If you have any feedback or suggestions on other resources to include, please contact the guide creator at