Top-Ten Teach-In Tips
Comments, Questions, Concerns? Contact Professor Scott Lankford, English Dept
Campus Center Plaza (Outdoors near the FH Bookstore)
12:00 Danya Adib, ASFC Student Body President
Welcome and Personal Perspective
12:15 Daisy Rosalez, Honors Connection Club President
Welcome and Personal Perspective
Hearthside Room (2313)
Event MC: Professor Scott Lankford
FH English Dept, Honors Institute
12:30: Professor Natalia Menendez
FH English Dept, Pass the Torch
“On Race as a Social Construct”
12:45 FH Student Kelia Escobedo
FH Ambassadors Program
"On DACA and Being a Dreamer"
1:00 Professor Bil Zienghorn
FH Department of History
"On the History of U.S. White Supremacy"
1:15 FH Alum Cindy Manit
SF Queer and Women's Right Activist
"On Attempting to Dialog with the Alt-Right"
1:30 Professor Sam White
FH Department of English, Umoja Program
"On the Colin Kaepernick Controversy"
1:45 FH Student Eman Magzoub
FH Middle College Program
Slam Poem: "Dear Racism"
2:00 FH Student Lydia Tomeo
WA Colville Tribe Member
"On Racism from a Native Perspective"
2:15 Professor Ron Herman
FH Photography Dept.
"On Overcoming Islmaphobia"
Foothill Student Government (ASFC)
Foothill Ambassadors
Foothill Honors Connection Club
Foothill Language Arts Division
Foothill SCRIPT Newspaper
Event MC: Professor Allison Herman
FH English Dept, First-Year-Experience
12:30 Dean Christopher Warren
FH Dean of Equity and Inclusion
“On the Revolutionary Power of Equity”
12:45 FH Student Juan Ramirez
FH Ambassadors Program
“On DACA and Being a Dreamer”
1:00 Dean Paul Starer
FH Language Arts and Library Division
“On American Anti-Semitism”
1:15 FH Student Jeline Buron
FH Honors Connection Club
“On Bullying in the Land of Opportunity”
1:30 Professor Che Menses
FH Dept of Communications
“Civic Engagement via Social Media and SLOs: Ecosystem vs. Echo Chamber”
1:45 FH Student Courtney Cooper
FH Student Trustee 2016-2017
“On Moving Beyond Guilt to Action”
2:00 FH Student Missy Hart
FH Ambassador's Program
"On Racism in the Foster Child Syndrome"
If there is anything you would like to see added to this guide, please contact me,
I would be more than happy to add any relevant materials or resources!