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Technology Lending: Home & Overview

A guide and list of all technology available for lending at the Library. Includes laptops, tablets, calculators, and more!

Lendable Technology at the Library

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Microsoft Office/Office 365 
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Lending Rules

How do lending (loan) periods work?

At the Library, students borrow items (it's free, so it's not renting). Lending (loan) periods for technology work as follows:

Same Day Lending: The item has to be returned the day it was checked out.

e.g. you check out a Macbook Air laptop at 10:00 AM on a Thursday. The item is due that Thursday by closing (currently, 7:00 PM).

Quarter Length Lending: The item has to be returned by the end of the quarter the item is borrowed in.

e.g. You check out an iPad the first week of school in Fall Quarter. It is due before Fall Quarter ends.

How To Borrow

Borrowing technology works the same as borrowing a book from the library. All you need is:


Your Student ID (DASG) Card.
(If you do not have your card, you can use photo ID and your Student ID number. Need an ID card? Visit the Office of College Life!)
Be currently enrolled in classes and your fees paid

That's it!

What is available at the Library?

The De Anza College Library offers laptops, tablets, and calculators for checkout. We offer these items in quarter-length and same-day checkouts.

The Library also has computers available at the library. We have 18 iMac desktop computers available. There are also two USB-C monitors students can plug laptops into.

Computers in the library can print to the library's print room. The Library and the College uses ePRINTit, available through your MyPortal website. Click here to learn more about ePRINTit and how to use it.

The Library also has the Computer Lab, located in LC113 in the main study area of the library.

The computer lab is a separate room on the first floor of the library with access to 28 desktop computers (including Windows and Mac computers). There is a technician available to assist you with your computing needs. Computers in the Lab can be used in 2-hour increments.

Computers in the Computer Lab have Adobe Creative Cloud installed and ready for use. The computers also have Microsoft Office (PowerPoint, Word, Excel) installed. Students can upload files to their OneDrive (available to students through their student email), other cloud services, or to their own physical media.

Click on the drop-down tabs at the top to look at our offers. You can also click the links below.

Calculators, Chargers, and Other Technology