Browse content by collection, classification, or geography.
(Text adapted from Artstor Website retrieved 1/13/15 and 3/3/22)
From the main Artstor Search page you can select Advanced Search:
Clicking Advanced Search will bring up the following options: Search for words or phrases, Search by date, Search by geography, classification, and/or collection type. You can combine these options to narrow or broaden your search.
Search for multiple words or phrases. Use Boolean logic (AND, OR, NOT) with your terms to broaden or narrow your search. You can also limit your search by specific fields, such as Title, Creator, Repository. This will use controlled vocabulary, which may vary by the institution that holds the object. For an example of the searchable fields see the tab in this LibGuide, "Finding More Information about an Image".
To search by date, enter a year or a range of years
Search by classification of object such as "Photographs" or "Fashion, Costume and Jewelry." You may choose multiple categories.
Search by geography. The list is organized by continent, then by country. For example, choosing North America automatically includes the United States, Canada and Mexico, or you can also search for each country individually. You may include multiple regions and countries in your search.