Artstor used to be a separate database accessed through the Articles & Databases webpage, but is now fully integrated into JSTOR. The Artstor website on the database page will be retired in August of 2024.
JSTOR already has full access to Artstor content, so use JSTOR instead!
Search functionality for art is different compared to articles and other source formats. JSTOR (Artstor) has the ability to search for sources using artist (and collaborators) names, the medium used, creation dates, and even colors! Artstor content has comprehensive metadata to help make searching through art pieces easier.
When searching for art pieces through JSTOR, you will receive many different source types. If you want to search for images of art exclusively, select the Images filter on the left-hand side of the search results page.
To search for art by a specific artist or creator, select the Creator filter when typing in your search criteria. Searching using the Creator filter by itself is good if you want to see the breadth of a single creator's catalog. This filter works well with other filters!
Searching on JSTOR using Creation Date (or "Date") should be used in conjunction with other search criteria. There is no singular search bar filter, but there is a search results filter. The Date filter has lower and upper bounds, with a BCE or CE selection. If you want to search for a single creation year, but the same year in both the lower and upper bound text fields.
Searching for my medium or material is easy. When typing in your search criteria (e.g. "oil paintings"), select material when typing in your search term. The database will automatically insert the search parameters for searching by material. This search is good if you are looking at a specific medium, but with no specific creator or date period in mind.