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HUMN 3H World Myths in Literature, Arts & Film: Adaptations of Myths

Searching for Films

Films on Demand, access provided by Foothill Library, has a rich source of films and film clips on mythology.
Search first using the term mythology and then narrow down by adding terms related to your topic.

IMDB has a list of movies using myths as a basis. It has 100 listing but it isn't easy to isolate as to myth type or subject.

Taste of Cinema gives its opinion of the best foreign films with myths as a subject.

Mythology- the Celts: On the Screen Reviews provides a short list of movies with a Celtic theme.

E-books and Articles:

Search the OneSearch using the Subject: Myth in Motion Pictures

Searching for Art

These links will take you to resources you can search for images from mythology. Be sure to credit the source of any image you use.

More Art

Graphic Novels in the Library

Searching for Graphic Novels

In Amazon:

Browse Books : Comics & Graphic Novels : Graphic Novels

Blogs/ Webpages:

Use your favorite search engine to search for graphic novels "insert type here" mythology.

Example: graphic novels Indian mythology